MetroWest Medical Center Signs 4-Year Renewal to Remain in Network with Point32Health (Tufts/Harvard Pilgrim) Insurance Plans - Click here for more information.

File of Life

In an emergency, it is helpful to have important medical and contact information close at hand. Download our File of Life, fill it out and keep it handy so that your medical team can offer safe care fast.


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About MetroWest Medical Center

Welcome to MetroWest Medical Center.  Our two hospitals in Natick and Framingham offer advanced diagnostic and treatment options for a wide range of healthcare needs. We have been serving our community for over 125 years, and we are committed to providing high quality, compassionate care, at a location close to home.

Whether you come to our hospitals for emergency care, to receive cancer treatment, for surgery, to share the birth of your baby with us, or for any other medical need, you can expect to receive excellent, comprehensive care from our highly skilled, award winning, physicians and staff. We are committed to earning the trust of every patient, family, and community member that walks through our doors by ensuring that our care meets the highest possible standards of care, every time.

Learn what makes us a Community Built on Care

News & Announcements

MetroWest Medical Center Earns Top Grade in Patient Safety from The Leapfrog Group

Jun 13, 2019
MetroWest Medical Center’s Framingham Union Hospital proudly announces an “A” rating in The Leapfrog Group’s Spring 2019 Safety Score, demonstrating the hospital’s commitment to delivering safe, high-quality patient care.

The Leapfrog Group Hospital Safety Score is a rating system designed to give consumers information they can use to make healthcare decisions for themselves or a loved one. The Leapfrog Group assigns A, B, C, D and F grades to more than 2,600 U.S. hospitals based on their ability to prevent errors, injuries, accidents and infections.

“This ‘A’ rating recognizes our continuous commitment to placing safety at the forefront of our patients’ care,” says Andrew D. Harding, CEO of MetroWest Medical Center. “I am honored to work with such a caring and dedicated team”. If you are interested in more information or if you would like to schedule an interview at MetroWest Medical Center, please call Rhiana Sherwood, PR Manager at 508-308-1969 or email [email protected]