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About MetroWest Medical Center

Welcome to MetroWest Medical Center.  Our two hospitals in Natick and Framingham offer advanced diagnostic and treatment options for a wide range of healthcare needs. We have been serving our community for over 125 years, and we are committed to providing high quality, compassionate care, at a location close to home.

Whether you come to our hospitals for emergency care, to receive cancer treatment, for surgery, to share the birth of your baby with us, or for any other medical need, you can expect to receive excellent, comprehensive care from our highly skilled, award winning, physicians and staff. We are committed to earning the trust of every patient, family, and community member that walks through our doors by ensuring that our care meets the highest possible standards of care, every time.

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News & Announcements

MetroWest Medical Center Now Offering 3D Mammography Services

Aug 15, 2018

Framingham, MA – August 15, 2018 ― MetroWest Medical Center is now offering 3D mammography services at its Wellness Center and within the hospital.

3D Mammography machineAccording to the American Cancer Society, 3D mammograms have some advantages over standard digital mammograms. For this mammogram, a machine takes many low-dose x-rays as it moves over the breast. The images taken can be combined into a 3-dimensional picture, which may allow doctors to see inside the breast more clearly than with a standard 2-view mammogram, and possibly find more cancers.

“We are very proud to have this advanced service available to the citizens of Framingham and surrounding communities,” said Dr. Drew Harding, Interim CEO and Chief Nursing Officer of MetroWest Medical Center. “It has been shown that one out of every 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. By adding 3D mammography to our list of services, we hope to make early detection more convenient for women in our area.”

At Framingham Union Hospital, 3D mammograms can be scheduled on Mondays, Thursdays or Fridays between 7:45am and 4:15pm as well as on Tuesdays or Wednesdays from 7:45am to 7:30pm. At the MetroWest Medical Center Wellness Center, 3D mammograms can be scheduled Mondays through Thursdays between 7:45am and 7:30pm and on Fridays from 7:45am to 4:15pm.

If you are interested in interviewing a member of our team about this technology, please call Daisy Burroughs at 803-477-4926 or email [email protected].