Here's How MetroWest Medical Center Celebrates National Doctors' Day

Mar 30, 2023

March 30 is National Doctors' Day. At MetroWest, the message to physicians is simple: "Thank You For Always Being There".

natl-doc-day-200x300FRAMINGHAM, MA — March 30 is National Doctors' Day, something that doesn't go unnoticed in Framingham.

MetroWest Medical Center celebrates National Doctors’ Day by paying tribute to its physicians for their service, skill and compassion. MetroWest Medical Center celebrates with a theme of “Thank you for Always Being There,” which depicts "a collective sentiment of deep appreciation for the outstanding group of physicians who tirelessly care for all patients of MetroWest Medical Center and beyond," a news release said.

“On behalf of all our Governing Board members, and all of our employees, I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to our physicians, the leaders of healthcare in the MetroWest region of Massachusetts,” said John Whitlock, Interim Chief Executive Officer of MetroWest Medical Center.

“I believe strongly in the value of saying thank you every day, but today, we pause to honor the contributions of our physicians for their dedication to the health and wellness of our community.”

natl-doc-day-300x200Pictures from MetroWest highlight another initiative on Doctors' Day, where staffers post "high five" notes for physicians.

Celebrated on March 30 each year, Doctors’ Day was officially established in 1991 when then-President George Bush issued a proclamation in observance of the day.

March 30 also marks the anniversary of the first use of general anesthesia in surgery by Dr. Crawford W. Long in 1842.

National Doctors’ Day is commonly celebrated in healthcare organizations as a day to recognize the contributions of doctors to individual lives and communities, a news release said.

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