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About MetroWest Medical Center

Welcome to MetroWest Medical Center.  Our two hospitals in Natick and Framingham offer advanced diagnostic and treatment options for a wide range of healthcare needs. We have been serving our community for over 125 years, and we are committed to providing high quality, compassionate care, at a location close to home.

Whether you come to our hospitals for emergency care, to receive cancer treatment, for surgery, to share the birth of your baby with us, or for any other medical need, you can expect to receive excellent, comprehensive care from our highly skilled, award winning, physicians and staff. We are committed to earning the trust of every patient, family, and community member that walks through our doors by ensuring that our care meets the highest possible standards of care, every time.

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News & Announcements

MetroWest Medical Center Receives Beacon Award For Excellence in ICU Care

Jul 18, 2019

The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), Aliso Viejo, Calif., recently granted a bronze-level Beacon Award for Excellence to MetroWest Medical Center’s Intensive Care Unit.

MetroWest Medical Center is one of six hospitals in Massachusetts to receive a Beacon Award for Excellence.

A celebration will be held outside the ICU in the Framingham Union Campus on Tuesday, June 25th at noon to congratulate the unit.

The Beacon Award for Excellence — a significant milestone on the path to exceptional patient care and healthy work environments — recognizes unit caregivers who successfully improve patient outcomes and align practices with AACN’s six Healthy Work Environment Standards.

Units that earn this three-year, three-level award with a gold, silver or bronze designation meet national criteria consistent with Magnet Recognition, the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and the National Quality Healthcare Award.

The bronze-level Beacon Award for Excellence earned by The ICU at MetroWest Medical Center signifies success in developing, deploying and integrating unit-based performance criteria for optimal outcomes.

This award was earned by meeting the following evidence-based Beacon Award for Excellence criteria:

  • Leadership Structures and Systems
  • Appropriate Staffing and Staff Engagement
  • Effective Communication, Knowledge Management, Learning and Development
  • Evidence-Based Practice and Processes
  • Outcome Measurement

Established in 2003, the Beacon Award for Excellence offers a road map to help guide exceptional care through improved outcomes and greater overall patient satisfaction. U.S. or Canadian units where patients receive their principal nursing care after hospital admission qualify for this excellence award.

Units that receive the Beacon Award for Excellence meet criteria in six categories: leadership structures and systems; appropriate staffing and staff engagement; effective communication, knowledge management, learning and development; evidence-based practice and processes; and outcome measurement.